Descriptive Study on the Situation of Vitamin Deficiency Hospitalization Episodes, in Romania, in the Last Decade
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vitamin deficiency


One of the forms of malnutrition is the deficiency of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, necessary for optimal and harmonious development and functioning of the body. In some parts of the world, there is a high prevalence representing a serious health problem for those populations. Vitamin D deficiency, widespread not only in low-income countries but also in many countries with a developed economy and not only among at-risk population groups but also in the general population, is the best example of " hidden hunger”, as this manifestation of malnutrition is also called. In Romania, the real situation is not well known, the studies being few and including especially small population categories, generally considered "at risk". Prevention also focuses on this type of population groups, severe deficiencies being diagnosed late, when they have already led to the installation of chronic diseases whose treatment is obviously much more expensive, with multiple implications on the patient's life. Studies at national level, carried out at regular intervals, have the role of signaling to decision-makers the existence of health problems, which must be resolved before they become real public health problems.

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