Over the past three decades, researchers have observed an increase in the
global number of new cases of early-onset cancer and associated deaths, with the
increase expected to be 31% and 21% respectively, by 2030, people aged 40 years
being the most exposed to risk.
It is also estimated that the number of cancer cases worldwide will increase
by more than 75% until the year 2050. Also, according to the statistics, the
following fact is observed, cancer cases have increased from 14.1 million new
cases and 8, 2 million deaths worldwide in 2012 to 20 million new cases and 9.7
million deaths, 10 years later.
It has been observed that the more developed the country, the higher the
cancer rate among those under 50, in the last 30 years.
Cervical cancer, despite being entirely preventable, is the eighth most
common cancer worldwide and the ninth leading cause of cancer death,
responsible for 661,044 new cases and 348,186 deaths.
Prevention is essential in detecting precancerous lesions, and the correct
application of screening and vaccination programs can reduce the incidence and
mortality from cervical cancer or even its effective eradication.